Sleep: An Evolutionary Imperative. Are You Getting Enough?
Everyone knows that sleep is important. Yet, as a nation, we’re sleeping a full hour less per night on average than we were just ten years ago. What do scientists know about sleep? How many hours of sleep do we really need each night?
From the Board (Avenues 31/32 - Autumn/Winter 2010)
2010 has been a productive year for the Pine Street Foundation. We’ve published peer-reviewed research, presented papers at conferences, received lots of media coverage in the national press, and reached thousands of patients and doctors through our newsletter, Avenues.
Eighth Community Chinese Medical Health Screening
On Saturday, November 13th, practitioners of Chinese medicine gathered for the Eighth Community Chinese Medical Health Screening.
Paper Published: Scent Identification in Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions
Scent lineups are a powerful tool in the investigation of crimes. With proper procedures, both forensic and judicial, scent lineups can be valuable evidence for a jury to consider. This is the first every systematic review critically evaluating all the known scientific evidence for the use of canine scent detection in law enforcement
New Study: Women Needed
For our study on the early detection of ovarian cancer, we are seeking women with newly diagnosed or recurrent biopsy-confirmed ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer, or primary peritoneal cancer in the San Francisco Bay Area to breathe through a special tube prior to beginning treatment. We also need women with endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome as well as healthy women to give breath samples.
Parade Magazine
The Pine Street Foundation was recently featured in an article in Parade Magazine
New Vitamin D Study
A new study seeks to compare vitamin D blood test results of two different labs.
Avenues - Spring/Summer 2010
In our last issue of Avenues for 2009, we turn our focus to H1N1, commonly referred to as "Swine Flu."
Can Dogs Detect Cancer?
Is there meaningful information contained within a person’s breath? Could this information lead to early detection of ovarian cancer? The Pine Street Foundation is seeking to answer these questions with novel, ground-breaking research.
Vitamin D3: A Review of the Evidence for its Role in Human Health
Vitamin D is crucial to our well-being. In this article, we discuss the history of its discovery, how we get it, and the evidence for its clinical effectiveness.
From the Board (Avenues 29/30 - Spring/Summer 2010)
Welcome to the spring/summer 2010 issue of Avenues, our quarterly newsletter.
Swine Flu Vaccination, Treatment, and Prevention: A Common Sense Discussion and Review of the Evidence
There are few public health issues in the news right now that are more prominent than H1N1, the so-called “Swine Flu.” In a comprehensive review, we discuss how this flu is different from seasonal flu, whether or not it’s really a major concern, the different approaches to preventing and treating it, and how to decide if getting vaccinated is right for you.
From the Board (Avenues 27/28 - Autumn/Winter 2009)
Welcome to the autumn/winter 2009 issue of Avenues, our quarterly newsletter.
Avenues - Autumn/Winter 2009
In our last issue of Avenues for 2009, we turn our focus to H1N1, commonly referred to as "Swine Flu."
From the Board (Avenues 26 - Summer 2009)
Welcome to the summer 2009 issue of Avenues, our quarterly newsletter.
Presentation on August 6th: Can Dogs Detect Cancer?
The Pine Street Foundation and the Women's Cancer AWareness Group sponsor a presentation on our canine scent detection research on August 6th.
Event on June 30th: Can Dogs Detect Cancer?
On Tuesday, June 30th, the Pine Street Foundation and the Marin Humane Society hosted a talk.